shaasan padvati example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word shaasan padvati usage in english sentences. The examples of shaasan padvati are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., regime.

Anyone caught publicly airing views or issuing statements critical of the regime can be sentenced up to twenty years in prison.

We note that the official reserve transactions are more relevant under a regime of pegged exchange rates than when exchange rates are floating.
There has been a move from a regime of commitment of fixed-price convertibility to one without commitments where residents enjoy greater freedom to convert domestic currency into foreign currencies but do not enjoy a price guarantee.
In our analysis, we use the terms fixed and pegged exchange rates interchangeably to denote an exchange rate regime where the exchange rate is set by government decisions and maintained by government actions.
The exchange rate regime of this period can be described as an adjustable nominal peg with a band.
All one can say in favour of democratic regimes is that they are much better than any non-democratic regime in these respects.
He and seven other leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for daring to oppose the apartheid regime in his country.
' 'The Kirghiz welcomed the first revolution (ie February Revolution) with joy and the second revolution with consternation and terror … [This] first revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsarist regime and strengthened their hope that … autonomy would be realised.
संबंधित शब्द शासन पद्वति के पर्यायवाची